Read below for a great review of Yelp’s LA Town Hall meeting, from the LA Times:
Is Yelp doing what equates to “extortion”? We’ve heard similar stories from our clients–as soon as they stop paying, many of their valid reviews mysteriously get filtered.
For us directly, we have a Yelp listing (, yet you can search for the services we offer or even by our name exactly, and our listing never comes up. Is it because we’re in a similar field? Suspicious.
In the LA Times article, the last line is a quote from a small business owner, saying “it’s a necessary evil”–but that’s not entirely true. Reviews can posted by your customers on your Google+ page, your Facebook & Twitter accounts, your Yahoo listing and even your own website. All great your business’s image, and great for your SEO efforts.
Need help developing a review program for your small business? Contact Localis today!